Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Queries Regarding Hip Replacement Operation

 Men and women who have hip pain might consider all options before deciding to undergo a hip replacement operation, orthopedic experts believe. First performed in 1960, according to the American Association of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS), hip replacement surgery remains to be one of the most successful surgical procedure in all of medicine. Those who are not responding well to their previous treatments such as medications, lifestyle changes and exercise are instructed to have this procedure. Those who are still contemplating on the procedure needs to know all the details about the operation. Health care providers will give the important details for the patient to be aware of the possible risks and benefits of the surgery.

It may help to ask the right questions to disperse any doubts and fears. These questions are commonly asked by patients:

What is a hip replacement?

- It is surgically removing the damaged part of the joint and inserting the artificial joint in its place.

What are the other alternatives to hip replacement surgery?

- One may opt for a less complex surgical procedure like an osteotomy wherein the bone is cute and realigned.

What occurs after the procedure?

- A minimum of three to five days may be spent recuperating in the hospital. While they are in the hospital, the physical therapist will teach them several joint strengthening exercises that they need to continue when they are already discharged.

How long is the recovery period?

- Full recover may occur within three to six months after the operation. Their recovery pace may be affected by their diligence in doing their exercises and following their doctors’ recommendations.

What are the common complications of this procedure?

- The complications that patients may experience may vary. This is a major surgical procedure, hence, it also has the same set of complications present in major operations. Dislocation remains to be a common problem after the surgery because the artificial joint is not as large as the normal joint. Wear and tear of the implant is also a possible problem after many years of using it. A hip revision may be required if these problems occur.

Patient often choose orthopedic surgeons who have much experience in performing the operation because it may affect their recovery. Researches are conducted by orthopedic specialist to create better hip implants that are less prone to wear and tear that have resulted to a hip implant recall.

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